Consider the Care of God (Luke 12:22-34)

Jun 30, 2024    Vincent Donnachie

In this next section of Luke 12, we read about the care that God has for us. The child of God is meant to be different from the world, primarily because we are rooted in this knowledge that the Creator of all things sees us, knows us, understands us, and loves us. We struggle to live in that reality though - we often want for things we don't need, fall into the temptation of greed, hoard possessions instead of give them away.

Releasing the worry and anxiety that clutters our minds will make us naturally more generous - which in turn reflects His reality to the world. It requires us to shift our mindset and trust in God's provision and love for us.

For the past few years, we continue to return to the book of Luke for an in-depth study. You can find all sermons since chapter one under the sermon series marked "Luke." There are several small focused series under that title.