Spiritual Practices Video, Part 1

During this time in which many are dealing with anxiety, fear, stress, grief, and depression, paying attention to the presence of God in our lives is more crucial than ever.

For this reason, every Tuesday for April, Pastor Vince will be leading us in a different spiritual practice.

In this first video, Vince shares on what the classic disciplines and spiritual practices of our faith are and why they matter. He then leads in the first practice, a way of Centering Down.

Centering Down is a quaker practice in which worshippers become still, silent, and aware of God's presence with them as they seek to listen to the "still small voice" of God. There is no one way of Centering Down. What is offered here is simply one way that Richard Foster writes about in his book, The Celebration of Discipline.

If possible, find a place alone in your home as you watch and participate with this video.



